Church Life Ambassador


  • Interact with LifeNet social media accounts by "Following, "Liking", and "Sharing" pages and posts on your church's social media (if applicable)
  • Share information between your church and LifeNet Family Resource and Pregnancy Center.
  • Keep marketing material of LifeNet stocked at your church.
  • Communicate and involve your church in center's up-coming events and fundraisers.
  • Represent LifeNet at your church events and hand out materials.
  • Attend Church Life Ambassador meetings.
  • Be willing to seek out potential LifeNet volunteers within your church.


Must Haves

  • Be an active member of of your church, involved in ministry or even a staff member. 
  • Permission from your pastor to serve as Life Ambassador.
  • A passion for encouraging your church to support the work of LifeNet.
  • Have a commitment to keeping your church updated on a regular basis.
  • A willingness to assist with events, baby bottle drives, banquets and other fundraising efforts of LifeNet.


  • You’re fun to be around and you like to pitch in to get things done.
  • You are not afraid to share the mission of LifeNet with others in your church, including the pastoral staff and the congregation.
  • You understand the importance of your position as a Liaison in promoting LifeNet's services and mission.