who we are

LifeNet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving the Tehama County community. Volunteers and staff provides education, support and material resources for young people, families, pregnant women and their children, born and unborn, in a loving Christ-centered environment offering an alternative to abortion. All services are provided to clients at no cost to them.


LifeNet is staffed by an Executive Director, Center Director and Spanish Speaking Services Director and supported by dedicated trained and caring volunteers. LifeNet is affiliated with the national Care Net organization to collaborate in securing access to high-quality products, materials and resources to serve pregnant women and their families in a grace filled environment.


LifeNet Family Resource and Pregnancy Center offers information on Sexually Transmitted Infection and avoidance but does not do STI testing.  LifeNet does not perform, prescribe or refer abortions.

Community outreach & education

What's In the Works

LifeNet plans to undertake a variety of programs to reach and educate young people and families about issues relating to sexual health, including pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases, and the benefits of being chaste outside of marriage. We expect to have programs developed for presentation in various public venues including the schools, initially focused on middle school and high school students. 

We will be opening a satellite office in Corning soon and welcome the Corning community to an informational Tea. It is an RSVP event on December 2, 2023 at 11 am.  The Tea will be hosted by Harvest Christian Church located at 1006 6th Street in Corning.

Maternity Home Shelter Letter from ED
Susan Harm's letter to supporters regarding the start up for Maternity Shelter in Red Bluff
letter re pregnancy shelter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 81.5 KB

Pregnancy testing

Self-Administered Pregnancy Tests


One of the most important services LifeNet offers is assistance to a client in assessing whether she is pregnant. Since LifeNet is not a licensed medical clinic; staff will guide the client through the process of self-administering and reading the results the pregnancy test.


If the client is pregnant she is given a small layette, which contains several newborn baby items and helpful informational pamphlets. Then the coach advocate will begin a discussion with the client about her options and plans for parenting.  Information will be given but LifeNet will not perform, prescribe or refer abortions. 

The client advocate will introduce her, and her partner if available, to the Learning for Life program, show them the Baby Boutique, discuss possible County and community services that may be available, and schedule a follow-up appointment.

ongoing support

Follow Up/Other Support


The coach advocate will make a concerted effort to follow-up with the client to check on her well being and progress with her pregnancy. This will occur through follow up appointments, interaction during Learning for Life classes, and by telephone or other outreach. These follow-up discussions will facilitate communication and sharing of information, and allow the Advocate to better understand particular challenges the client may be facing, and determine if additional support from LifeNet can be provided.


List of County and Community Services/Advocacy


LifeNet provides clients with a list of County and community services that may be available to them. A trained volunteer coach advocate discusses their individual needs and shares information on which services may be available for client use. To the extent practical, the coach advocate and client will discuss obstacles the client may be facing in accessing needed services, and work together to explore ways to overcome the obstacles. LifeNet offers information but will not perform, prescribe or refer abortions.

learning for life

Learning for Life Program


LifeNet offers BrightCourse educating pregnant women & their support network on pregnancy stages and what to expect during the first 3 years of childhood. In addition to pregnant women, the Learning for Life program is offered to parents & guardians with infant children through 3 years of age. Participants set the pace and can choose to have lessons sent to their devices. By participating in the classes, clients are able to earn "Baby Bucks" which they redeem in our Baby Boutique. Information covered in Learning for Life include:

•     Pregnancy development 

•     Labor and delivery

•     Infant & Toddlerhood

•     Breastfeeding

•     Finances and budgeting

•     Housekeeping

•     Healthy Relationships &  Sexual Risk Avoidance SRA     

•     Bible Studies 

•     After Abortion Care 

•     And other life skills

baby boutique

Another major service provided to clients by LifeNet is the Baby Boutique. The Boutique contains numerous items available to clients in exchange for Baby Bucks earned in the Learning For Life/BrightCourse Program. 

Occasionally we receive an emergency request for diapers, clothes or food and we can meet these on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Executive Director.


Examples of items that may be available to clients from the Boutique include:


•     Maternity clothing 

•     Infant and toddler clothing

•     Blankets

•     Baby formula/ baby food (earned points not required)

•     Diapers

•     Baby wipes

•     Stuffed animals

•     Furniture (cribs, swings, nursing pillows, car seats, etc.)

•     Baby bottles & Breast Pumps

•     Pacifiers

•     Educational pamphlets on numerous subjects

•     Books for checkout and return (on parenting, for kids, etc.)

keep the work going

become  a monthly partner

Click below to see how important your support is in the work that we do at LifeNet

1008 Madison St Red Bluff, Ca 69080
1008 Madison St Red Bluff, Ca 69080

Our services are not intended to be a substitute for licensed professional counseling, or for either routine or emergency medical or prenatal care. We do not provide medical care.  Individuals who believe they are experiencing a medical emergency should call 9-1-1 and seek care from the nearest emergency room.